Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pink Dead squirrell in road?

i was just about to back out of my driveway when out of the corner of my eye i saw something in the road. I ran over and discovered a dead squirrel in my neighborhood street- normal i know but then i looked closer and discovered it's tail was a hot pink color? what should i do? how did it get pink?Pink Dead squirrell in road?
Maybe someone spray painted it after it died.Pink Dead squirrell in road?
well i dont think it is anything too serious. it could just be that it was a baby and that hot pink color was comming from the transparent skin color and its blood showing through. i dont think you have anything to worry about.
Partial albino. Did it have red eyes?
Maybe it used your Pro-Active???

It may not turn purple in squirrels, besides PURPLE SQUIRREL is harder to say then PINK SQIRREL.

It may have been drunk when it died. Look up Pink Squirrel (Creme de Cacao, Creme de Noyaux and light cream).

Or maybe it's just the drugs in you talking again.

BTW, are you still purple?
i agree with the person who suggested the Humane Society. someone could of been torturing that poor thing. or it might of been someones pet, or maybe call the DNR
Are you sure it was a squirrel? Could it have been a possum baby?
maybe it was a baby or its blood came out or somebody skinned it
It could have been a prank. Call the humane society and report it. Don't pitch the squirrel until you do as they may want pix of it. Either place it in a baggie and stick it in your freezer until they come or see if you can take the pix yourself.
Quick, rush it to your nearest Chinese Restaurant. They pay big bucks for ';Pink Tailed Squirrel.';

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